How to ask for help?

Call 180:

Violence against women

The Women's Assistance Center - 180 provides qualified listening and assistance to women in situations of violence. It’s a toll-free call, and the service is available 24/7.

Call 190:


In case of emergency, call the police at 190. It’s a toll-free call , and the service is available 24/7. A Military Police vehicle is immediately sent to the location for assistance.

Call 197:

Domestic Violence

Register the incident at a police station, preferably at the Special Precincts for Women’s Assistance – DEAM (in Portuguese). You can also file a complaint through the 197 Service Center. It’s a toll-free call.

Call 1746:

Notify harassment and aggression

Central 1746 is a Rio City Hall service that receives notifications of cases of harassment and aggression in the city. Call or access the 1746 website and notify.


Legal Center for the Reception of Women Victims of Domestic Violence
Address: Dom Manoel street, no number - In front of the Justice Museum building

Opening hours: Every evening, from 6pm to 11am the following day.

Phone number. (21) 3133-3894 / (21) 3133-4144

The Rio de Janeiro Secretariat for Policies and Promotion of Women will also help you!

Go to the Specialized Center for Women’s Assistance Chiquinha Gonzaga (CEAM, in Portuguese), where you will receive a specialized service (psychosocial and legal assistance) that supports women in situations of violence. Even those who do not yet wish to file a complaint.
Address: Benedito Hipólito street, 125 - Center.

Opening hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Phone numbers: (21) 2517-2726 / (21) 98555-2151 (WhatsApp).

Email address:

CEAM Tia Gaúcha

Address: Policlínica Lincoln de Freitas Filho - Rua Álvaro Alberto, 601 - Santa Cruz

NEAP Tia Gaúcha

Address: Policlínica Lincoln de Freitas Filho - Rua Álvaro Alberto, 601 - Santa Cruz

Casa da Mulher Carioca Elza Soares

Address: Rua Marechal Falcão da Frota, n. 1782 , Padre Miguel

What is violence against Women?

Violence against women is any aggression based on the female gender that may cause death, physical, sexual or psychological harm and suffering. (1)

Be alert!


Usually, other forms of violence happen first.

What are the types of violence against women?


The killing of a woman just for being female. It can be motivated by or happen at the same time as domestic violence.

Sexual Assault/Rape:

It is a form of sexual violence. You should go to the nearest Health Unit to receive proper care. It is a woman’s right to report the crime at the police station if she so desires.

Physical violence:

Harming a woman's bodily integrity or health. It happens when the aggressor uses physical force, hurting the victim in various ways, including by the use of objects.

Psychological violence (non-visual, but very pervasive):

Emotional damage and harm to a woman's self-esteem. For example: verbal insult, embarrassment, manipulation, prohibition from working, studying, leaving home, or talking to friends or relatives.

Sexual violence:

Actions that force a woman to witness, maintain or participate in sexual relations without consent.

Property violence:

Taking, stealing, controlling or destroying, either partially or completely, objects belonging to women, work tools, personal documents, goods, valuables and/or economic resources.

Moral violence:

Slander, defamation, or insult to a woman. Expressing opinion against moral reputation orchoice of clothes, exposing intimate life, making false criticisms.

Legal consequences

Minimum: Initial imprisonment from six months to two years, plus a fine. In view of the risk criteria to the woman's physical and mental integrity, the aggressor may also be prevented from staying at a shared home or in any other place of coexistence with the victim.

Maximum:Thirty years in prison.

Sources: Brazilian Code of Criminal Procedure
Maria da Penha Law - Law 11,340/2006 (More information here)
Femicide Law No. 13,104/2015 (More information here)


(1) Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women (Convention of Belém do Pará - Brazil): Violence against women is any act or conduct based on gender that causes women to suffer death, injury or physical, sexual or psychological harm, both in the public and private spheres (Inter-American Convention to Prevent, Punish and Eradicate Violence against Women).